Sunday, February 12, 2012

let me count the ways

as you know, i DESPISE public transport with every fiber and nerve of my being. let me count the ways in which my life would be so much better without this crap:

1. i have notoriously bad luck with buses. during the few seconds that i take to walk from my house to the main road, the bus i so desperately need will zoom past. it's not that i don't want to run (which i don't), it's that it's so far away that i can't do anything but helplessly watch it as it passes me while i walk as briskly as i can.

2. upon reaching the empty bus stop, i will then helplessly wait the 20 painful minutes in the agonizing sun for the next bus to pass.
sometimes, the bus passes but i am unable to catch it because the bus driver, being the prick he is, makes sure he drives so fast that everyone at the bus stop barely sees it.

3. i only have 3 buses available at my nearest bus stop. 77, 970 and 156. the only one i need is 77. 77 comes every 20 minutes.
if i am returning home from elsewhere, i will ONLY have these 3 buses to choose from. therein begins a wild mix and match of which buses to take, or a frantic cry of help as i browse through

4. there are ZERO MRT stations where i live. the nearest one is BUONA VISTA- it involves taking a bus to holland, crossing the road, and taking another bus to BV MRT.

5. on the occasions where i actually do manage to get my ass on the bus, one or more of the following types of people will lay their tender ass beside me:
a. sick people
b. smelly people
c. weird people
actually, i hate it when anyone sits beside me at all. if i end up sitting with anyone beside me, i lock my body down and go into rigor mortis.

6. i have to touch things. eg. handles of the bus. god knows what germs linger on it. the bus is in essence, a huge moving capsule of germs.

7. warm seats

8. that immense social pressure when a "minority" boards the bus and you don't know if you have to give up your seat. how old is too old? is she fat or pregnant? do you give up your seat to someone who injured his arm? he can still stand, why does he need a seat? do you give up your seat to a man in his early 50s with a full head of black hair? how about anorexic people? do you give up your seat to them too? and someone with the flu?

9. that risk of having strangers take pictures of you on the train. if you're just minding your own business and genuinely didn't see the frail old lady looking for a seat on the train, SNAP! your photo immediately goes onto STOMP and you're labelled a cold-hearted youth who has no respect for your elders. or for ANYTHING else that you do, people are watching you.

10. when you bump into people you don't want to see, or people you don't really know. social pressure dictates you strike up an awkward conversation with them until your bus comes, or until you reach your stop. this can be massively tiring. it's even more awkward when you pretend not to know them.
to avoid this, i stare at my shoes from the bus stop all the way home.

11. not weatherproof. you still have to walk home.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

valentine's day

Please show some love! <3


Booked the Tree loft at Wanderlust for J's 24th! The room (which I was deathly excited about) was almost everything I expected, except that it was absolutely tiny. But in a id-love-to-live-there-alone kind of tiny. Good use of the limited space though.

Not a really good snapshot, but the ceiling was filled with foam leaves!
Every room has an itinerary. Really great for tourists, though I doubt they'd wanna do anything else but laze in their little paradise.
Birthday boy chillin' the fuck out.
Mosiac tiled floor.


Space room next please!